Hazelnut and Strawberry Roulade Recipes

Hazelnut and Strawberry Roulade Recipe

Ingredients :

2 oz ground hazelnuts

3 eggs

4 oz caster sugar

2 oz plain flour, sifted

1 tbsp light vegetable oil

caster sugar, for dredging


8 oz double cream

8 oz strawberries, chopped


6 oz strawberries

1 tbsp icing sugar

2 tbsp double cream

Method :
  1. Grease and line a 8 x 12 inch Swiss roll tin.
  2. Toast the ground hazelnuts in a dry frying pan and stir continuously until they turn a golden brown.
  3. Whisk the eggs and sugar together until very thick and mousse-like.
  4. Carefully fold in the flour and hazelnuts, adding the oil at the last moment.
  5. Turn the mixture into the Swiss roll tin.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven, 400F gas mark 6, for 8-10 minutes until the cake springs back when lightly pressed in the centre.
  7. Wring out a clean tea towel in hot water and lay it on a work surface.
  8. Place a sheet of greaseproof paper on top and sprinkle it with caster sugar.
  9. Turn the sponge upside down on to the greaseproof paper then remove the lining paper.
  10. Trim off the crisp sides of the cake and roll up with the greaseproof inside the sponge.
  11. Place on a wire rack, with the join underneath, and leave to cool.
  12. To make the filling, whisk the cream until it stands in soft peaks and fold in the chopped strawberries.
  13. Unroll the cooled sponge and remove the greaseproof paper.
  14. Spread the filling evenly over the sponge and roll up again.
  15. To make the sauce, put the strawberries and sugar into a food processor or blender and process to a puree.
  16. Rub through a nylon sieve to remove the pips.
  17. Cover each serving plate with some strawberry sauce, then put a slice of roulade in the centre.
  18. Place a few drops of cream on the sauce and drag a skewer through the sauce to make an attractive design.

Serves 7

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