Preheat oven to 180C, grease and flour
two 20cm sandwich tin.
Beat whole eggs and sugar until pale,
glossy and thick.
Add butter and cocoa to boiling water,
stirring until combined.
Sift flour over surface of egg mixture
and fold in lightly with cocoa mixture.
Divide mixture evenly between prepared
Bake for 15-20 minutes or until cake
springs back when touched.
Turn out onto a cake rack to cool.
Split each sponge layer in half.
To prepare filling: put cream in a
bowl and sprinkle over cocoa and sugar.
Chill for at least 30 minutes, whip
until thick.
Join cake layers together with
To prepare icing: sift together icing
sugar and cocoa in a pan.
Combine with water and vanilla, heat
very carefully, stirring constantly until mixture becomes thin and
Pour over sponge, spreading with a
warm palette knife.