Grease a 1.5 pint pudding basin.
Place the butter and sugar in a bowl
and cream together until light and fluffy.
Gradually add the eggs, beating well
between each addition.
Sift the flour and fold it in until
thoroughly blended using a figure of eight motion.
Add the cocoa and milk texture.
Spoon the sponge mixture into the
pudding basin.
Cover with a pleated piece of greased
greaseproof paper and a sheet of foil large enough to allow for
expansion and tie with string.
Place the basin in a large heavy-based
saucepan, 2/3 full of hot water, cover and steam over a low heat for
about 90 minutes, topping up with more hot water as and when
While the pudding is steaming, prepare
the chocolate sauce.
Put the butter and chocolate into a
flameproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water.
When the chocolate has melted, beat in
the double cream.
To serve, remove the string, paper and
foil and turn out the pudding on to a warmed serving dish.
Pour a little hot chocolate sauce over
the pudding and serve the rest separately.