Caramelized Onions - Cooking Tips

Caramelized Onions - Cooking Tips

It looks like you went to a lot of trouble when you serve a bowl of these richly flavored slow-cooked onions. As many onions as you like are chopped with the slicing blade of the food processor and slowly cooked (or "melted", as the Italians say) in a skillet with some olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

You must stir the onions occasionally to make sure that they don't burn, but they can largely be left alone while you do something else. The result is a tender heap of caramelized onions that can be served on a sliced fresh baguette, on store-bought melba toast, an flavorful crackers, or an bruschetta.

When cooking caramelized onions, make double or triple the amount needed, and store the remainder in an airtight container in the fridge for up to two weeks or in the freezer for up to two months. Add 1/4 cup to soups or sauces to deepen and enrich their flavor. Put them in a skillet over a sautéed chicken breast and add a splash of red wine for an instant sauce. Stir them into the Fake Fondue and spoon over toast for an easy supper.

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