General Health Screening Tests

General Health Screening Tests

General health screening packages are offered by medical groups, hospitals and family doctors. The packages range from a simple one consisting of just blood screening to complex ones that include sophisticated laboratory tests. They are variously offered to suit a patient's budget, risk level, and other special requirements.

The screening usually starts by the doctor taking a history from the patient. He or she will be asked for any present health related complaints, past illnesses, dietary, smoking and drinking records, allergies, family history of illnesses.

The patient's height and weight will then be taken after which the doctor will conduct a physical examination of the various systems. during the examination of the eyes, tests for glaucoma may be carried out. Under appropriate circumstances, a woman's breasts are examined and a man's prostate assessed by a digital examination through the anus.

Urine Analysis

Urine is usually collected on the spot for full and and microscopic examination to look for presence of abnormal cells and substances.

Stool Analysis

Fresh stool sample is required to analyze for blood, parasites and other abnormal substances.


This is done by blowing air into a special instrument. It reflects a person's lung functions.

Audiometry and Tympanometry

These tests are sometimes done to check the hearing ability and the functioning of the ear drums.

X-Rays Examinations

Chest X-rays are usually done on an annual or bi-annual basis. Other X-rays such as those for the abdomen, sinuses, neck, spine are done only if indicated. Special X-rays such as Mammograms, MRI, etc are only done if indicated.

Ultrasonic Examinations

Some centers offer this type of examinations for the abnormal organs.

Bone Densitometry

This is usually for women near to or after menopause, to determine the bone density. This can only be done in the hospitals.

Urea Breath Test (UBt)

Studies have shown that about 50% of the population carry the bacteria H. pylori which causes gastritis and stomach ulcers. Since the introduction here of the PYtest, a simple and portable UBT, quite a number of people have been tested positive for the bacteria even though they have no symptoms. They are carriers and may spread the infection. The UBT are now incorporated in many screening programmes to screen and identify these individuals so that they get treated and eventually the bacteria become eradicated.

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