Orange Blossom Jelly Recipe

Orange Blossom Jelly Recipes

Ingredients :

65g/ 5 tbsp

150ml/ 2/3 cup


600ml/ 2.5 cups

30ml/ 2 tbsp

caster sugar


sachets if powdered gelatine

freshly squeezed orange juice

orange flower water

Method :
  1. Place the caster sugar and water in a small saucepan and gently heat to dissolve the sugar, stirring occasionally.

  2. Leave to cool.

  3. Sprinkle over the gelatine, ensuring it is completely submerged in the water.

  4. Leave to stand until the gelatine has absorbed all the liquid and is solid.

  5. Gently melt the gelatine over a bowl of simmering water until it becomes clear and transparent.

  6. Leave to cool.

  7. When the gelatine is cold, mix it with the orange juice and orange flower water.

  8. Wet a jelly mould and pour in the jelly.

  9. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, or until set.

  10. Turn out to serve.

Serves 4-6

This natural fruit jelly has a cleansing quality that is welcome after a rich main course. Decorate it with edible flowers, if desired.

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